About Us


Zoogenic 是源自於對動物和大自然的喜愛。我們相信,人類與自然是相互依存的,當我們也是由動物演變過來,相比起大自然的力量,人類是多麼渺小。在科技日新月異的新世代裡,更能感受到大自然的珍貴,就像不可缺少的空氣和水一樣。Zoogenic 以動物和大自然為靈感,當中亦包括可持續發展和環保的設計產品,以及提供關於植物和藝術的體驗班。無論您是可愛小動物或是多肉植物的愛好者,希望 Zoogenic 也能帶給你治癒人心的快樂,並啟發人們學習欣賞及尊重自然界的事物 ,把愛延伸到動物和大自然,就會發現擁有的從不缺少。Let's Love Spread !

Zoogenic means everything associated with animals, humans, and nature. We believe that human beings and nature are interdependent. There is such great power that comes from nature and animals, and we encourage people to respect and appreciate, starting from the little things in our daily life. We create handmade pots and illustrations inspired by animals and nature. Also including sustainable and eco-friendly design products, as well as some plant and art workshops. Whether you're a nature lover or an animal enthusiast, we hope to bring you healing happiness and inspire people to learn how to appreciate and respect the nature's gift.